Monday, April 8, 2013

North Korea Tensions

With the tensions growing quickly with North Korea, I thought I'd write about what it's like being in South Korea with this issue.

It's quite interesting being here while this issue develops, but there really hasn't been much change in the daily life of Seoul. I talked to my PEACE Buddy and her friend though, and they did mention that these threats seem more serious this time considering that nobody knows what to expect from North Korea's new leader, Kim Jong Un. The latest news is that North Korea may actually be testing missiles this week.

Surprisingly though, I haven't gotten much information from Ewha or the US Embassy. I did get an email last week from the embassy saying that we should be taking security precautions, and I'm assuming it means to be ready to leave if we may need to. In that case, my parents made sure that I be ready to go if there's any news suggesting to leave. It ended up getting around the dorms that I was supposedly leaving already! But no, I'm still here and am okay so far.

I'm making sure to just keep up with the news and any notices from the embassy. As of now, it seems like there's too little information for people to know what may possibly happen with this issue. I just hope that everything will be okay and everyone will be safe!

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